
Old Name :-

Height :- 728 meter From sea level

Location : 85 km west from Kolhapur.

Brief History :-

Shivgad fort named mention in one of the letter on 1800th century. Intention of letter is that, increasing security on the fort of attack possibilities of Herekar Sawant (Chief of Sawantwadi). And also mention the Letter on 1839th century an appointment of the Amrutrao Pratinidhi and his fifteen fighters cause of Shivgad fort security.

Shivgad is Located at Ghonsari, Phondaghat, Dajipur Wild Life Sanctuary. This magnificent fort beckons adventurous tourists and mountaineers. Since the terrain and peaks of this region comes in contact with Asia’s largest known biodiversity for flora and founa Dajipur Bison Sanctuary, the view of the area surrounding the fort is a major attraction here. Kasarde Salva mountains Gagangad and clearly visible from this fort. Goddess Bhavanimata’s Temple of remains of some imposing structures. People can enjoy bison Wild Life Sanctuary

What to See :

1. Satishila.

2.Bhavani Temple.

3. Ugwai Devi Temple.

4. Old natural basin made by waterfall.

5.Only trackers and liking of forts are going to this place.

Where to Stay :-

Not available food and residence in this fort. Nearest place to staying in Dajipur