Brief History :

Gaganbawda situated on the Sahyadri range or the Western Ghats also has a very famous fort Gaganbawda near it. Gaganbawda, though only 55 km from Kolhapur, is non-developed and hilly area of the district. Gaganbawda gets the maximum rainfall during rainy season. Gaganbawda is on threshold of famous Karul Ghats & Bhuibawada Ghats. Perhaps the only place having two Ghats originating at a single place but going towards different directions, one towards Talere-Kankavali (Karul Ghats) and another towards Kharepatan-Rajapur (Bhuibawada Ghats).

The Kolhapur district boundary ends immediately after Gaganbawda and Sindhudurg District starts just at the beginning of Karul Ghats and Bhuibawada Ghats. From Gaganbawda bus stand, road to the left will take one to the Karul Ghats and road to the right will take you to the Bhuibawada Ghats. The Karul Ghats starts immediately after Gaganbawda village (1 km from bus stand). Karul Ghats goes towards Northern part of Sindhudurg District. The quality of road is good. Length of Karul Ghats is 11 km. The entire Ghats comes under the administration of Vaibhavwadi Tehsil of Sindhudurg. This Ghats is beautiful and very scenic in monsoon. This Ghats ends just before Vaibhavwadi and the state highway ends at Talere village (NH 17). The other Ghats called Bhuibawada Ghats starts at the right turn from Gaganbawda Bus stand. This entire Ghats also comes in Vaibhavwadi Tehsil of Sindhudurg. The Ghats is of 10 km length with medium quality road and useful for people going towards southern part of Ratnagiri District’s Rajapur area. This Ghats ends at Bhuibawada and this road will further take one to Kharepatan Town (NH 17).

View Points :- Distances from Gagangad :-
1. Fort Gagangad Kolhapur (53 km)
2.Gagangiri Math (Monastery) Mumbai (430 km)
3.Asalaj Ramling 
4.Bhuibawda Ghats
5.Karul Ghats
6.Lakhmapur Dam